Territorial dimensions of Lithuanian Rural Development Plan 2004–2006: lessons for 2007–2013

Territorial dimensions of Lithuanian Rural Development Plan 2004–2006: lessons for 2007–2013

The EU structural policy aims at reducing economic and social differences among EU member states and improving competitiveness of less developed European regions through financial help. Lithuania’s Rural Development Plan (RDP) 2004-2006, supported by the national and EU funds has made a positive impact on the country’s rural development, but it could benefit from a better alignment with the regional development agenda. This article presents analysis of regional aspects of EU support for rural development in 2004-2006. The analysis includes a review of rurality definitions used by others and how they may be applicable to Lithuania in planning rural development programmes for 2007-2013.

Key words: rural development programme, regions, rurality, Structural Funds

Erika Ribašauskienė, Emilija Kairytė, William H. Meyers. Territorial dimensions of Lithuanian Rural Development Plan 2004-2006: lessons for 2007-2013 // ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MOKSLAI. ISSN 1392-0200. 2007. T. 14. Priedas. P. 11-18 (EBSCO, CAB Abstracts).