Promoting interactions between local climate change mitigation, sustainable energy development, and rural development policies in Lithuania

Promoting interactions between local climate change mitigation, sustainable energy development, and rural development policies in Lithuania

Lithuania has developed several important climate change mitigation policy documents however there are no attempts in Lithuania to develop local climate change mitigation policies or to decentralize climate change mitigation policy. Seeking to achieve harmonization and decentralization of climate change mitigation and energy policies in Lithuania the framework for local climate change mitigation strategy need to be developed taking into account requirements, targets and measures set in national climate change mitigation and energy policy documents. The paper will describe how national climate change mitigation and energy policies can be implemented via local energy and climate change mitigation plans. The aim of the paper is to analyze the climate change mitigation policy and its relationship with policies promoting sustainable energy development in Lithuania and to present a framework for local approaches to climate change mitigation in Lithuania, in the context of the existing national and supranational energy, climate change, and rural development policies.

Keywords: Local policies, Climate change mitigation, Sustainable energy.

Streimikiene, D.; Baležentis, T.; Kriščiukaitienė, I. Promoting interactions between local climate change mitigation, sustainable energy development, and rural development policies in Lithuania // Energy Policy, Vol. 50, 2012, p. 699-710. ISSN 0301-4215 (Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), SciVerse Scopus by Elsevier).

Cituojamumo rodiklis (Impact factor / Agregate Impact factor) 2.723 / 1.792 2011.

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